"Important nu este ce au facut ceilalti din mine, ci ceea ce fac eu cu ceea ce au facut ceilalti din mine."
- Sartre -

Centrul Roman de Formare in Analiza Tranzactionala (CRFAT)

Program de seminarii



- Mai, 23-24, Helene Cadot, PTSTA, Franta

- Octombrie, 10-11, Helene Cadot, PTSTA, Franta, "Therapeutic relationship"



Februarie, 6-7, Helene Cadot, PTSTA, Franta, "Contracting, strategic thinking and treatment planning"

Mai, 15-16, Barbara Traynor, TSTA, Marea Britanie, "Game analysis in therapy"

Iunie, 26-27, Helene Cadot, PTSTA, Franta, "Sources and forms of anger, script anger, and individual therapy for angry clients"

Septembrie, 25-26, Joanna Beazley Richards, TSTA, Marea Britanie "Attachement difficulties, trauma, and treatment of these problems"

Octombrie, 30-31, Helene Cadot , PTSTA, Franta, "Contact and disruption of contact (Integrative Psychotherapy & T.A. perspectives) and the process of restoring contact"

Decembrie, 4-5, Mario Salvador, PTSTA, Spania, "Transference and countertransference"



Februarie, 26-27, Hélène Cadot, PTSTA, Franta,  "The therapy of depression from different perspectives"

Aprilie, 2-3, Barbara Traynor, TSTA, Marea Britanie, "Redecision in therapy"

Mai, 28-29, Helene Cadot, PTSTA, Franta, "Different loses and the associated feelings, healthy and pathological; grief process"

Octombrie, 8-9, Rosemarie Napper, TSTA, Marea Britanie,  "The impact of the context and cultures (family, regional, ethnic) on working with clients, including transgenerational scripting"

Noiembrie, 5-6, Anne Marie Linnenkamp, PTSTA, Olanda, "Similarities and boundaries between supervision, therapy, counselling and education"



Februarie, 4-5, Jane Nixon, PTSTA, Marea Britanie, Impasse clarification

Martie, 3-4, Hélène Cadot, PTSTA, Franta, Attachment styles and symbiosis what represents love for children and for adults?

Aprilie, 21-22, Barbara Traynor, TSTA, Marea Britanie, TA perspectives on the Personality

Iunie,16-17,  Helene Cadot, PTSTA, Franta, Couples and relationships difficulties – meanings, aims and limits in couple therapy

Septembrie, 15-16, Helene Cadot, PTSTA, Franta, Narcissistic and borderline personalities and their environment : a better understanding

Octombrie, 13-14, Rosemarie Napper, TSTA, Marea Britanie, Money in therapy

Noiembrie, 3-4, Anne Marie Linnenkamp, TSTA, Olanda, Shame as parallel process 



9-10 martie, "EQ: IQ (Wo)men may come from Venus or Mars; however they all come from outside the atmosphere and go to Rome", Anne Marie Linnenkamp, TSTA

27-28 aprilie, "The different levels of boundary issues in the therapeutic setting and relationship; the setting of boundaries and its effects; the lack of clear boundaries and its consequences", Helene Cadot, CTA and Integrative Psychotherapy Trainer and Supervisor (I.I.P.A.)

22-23 iunie, "Releasing the grip of Script and creating autonomy through personal narrative", Jane Nixon, PTSTA-P

14-15 septembrie, "Some body knows the trouble I've seen", Steff Oates, TSTA

12-13 oct, "The different sources of pain & suffering and the transformative ways out", Helene Cadot, CTA and Integrative Psychotherapy Trainer and Supervisor (I.I.P.A.)



1-2 martie, "The different sources of pain & suffering and the transformative ways out", Helene Cadot, CTA-P and Integrative Psychotherapy Trainer and Supervisor 

10-11 mai, "What lies beneath Script may yearn to be received", Steff Oates, TSTA-P

14-15 iunie, "Releasing the grip of Script and creating autonomy through personal narrative", Jane Nixon, PTSTA-P

27-28 septembrie, "Blockage in a private or professional close relationship - how to handle and prevent it", Anne Marie Linnenkamp, TSTA

17-18 octombrie, "The Oedipe complex, its place in contemporary theory: the inconscient impact of a non resolved oedipe complex in the men's and women's sentimental life, the symptoms and the blockages, the therapeutic process", Helene Cadot, CTA-P and Integrative Psychotherapy Trainer and Supervisor (I.I.P.A.)



28-29 martie, "Body and mind boundaries, where do I end and others begin?  How can I keep myself from falling apart? An exploration into the Schizoid and Autistic Contiguous style of living in the world", Steff Oates, TSTA-P

25-26 aprilie, "The depression of the child and the issue of the emptiness in the adult life" Helene Cadot, CTA-P and Integrative Psychotherapy Trainer and Supervisor (I.I.P.A.)

24-25 octombrie, "The door of the dreams in therapy; different models to explore them" Helene Cadot, CTA-P and Integrative Psychotherapy Trainer and Supervisor (I.I.P.A.)


Structura acestui program este urmatoarea:

- seminarii de o zi si jumatate (sambata si duminica) focusate pe supervizare si pregatirea examenului de CTA (intrebari legate de examenul scris si de examenul oral) si pe invatarea Analizei tranzactionale din perspectiva practica (clarificari teoretice abordate in context practic)

- este deschis pentru doua categorii de participanti: cei care iau efectiv supervizare (supervisees) si observatori

- numarul maxim de participanti (supervisees plus observatori) este 30, din care maxim 15 supervisee

- cei care iau supervizare vor avea 2 ore de supervizare si 10 ore de training; observatorii vor avea 12 ore de training

- orele de formare vor fi recunoscute de catre:

  • Asociatia Romana de Analiza Tranzactionala (ARAT)
  • Asociatia Europeana de Analiza Tranzactionala (EATA)
  • Asociatia Internationala de Analiza Tranzactionala (IATA)
  • Colegiul Psihologilor din Romania

Informatii si inscrieri la centru.at@gmail.com

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